Archived Webcasts
In an effort to update NAB member TV Stations with the latest information about the DTV transition, NAB will host periodic webcasts throughout the upcoming months. The webcasts will relay to stations the latest policy developments on the DTV transition, as well as new research and updates on NAB's DTV transition campaign.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television (DTV)
May 14, 2009 | Accompanying PowerPoint: Download Here
Correction to May 14 Webcast: Post-June 12 Consumer Ed Obligations
NAB presented a live DTV webcast on May 14 at 2:30 p.m. (EDT) to review new Web site features, DTV education requirements, research and all the important details that stations need to know prior to June 12. Hosted by NAB Vice President of Digital Television Transition Jonathan Collegio, the first half of the program discussed all the new features available to viewers through with the FCC's Rosemary Harold and Andrew Martin. NAB Deputy General Counsel Ann Bobeck also participated in a discussion regarding DTV education requirements through the final days of the transition. During the second half of the program, Jonathan was joined by Director of Public Affairs and Marketing of Digital Television Transition Michael DiSerio to review new additions to the NAB Web site, the best broadcast rotation of DTV Action spots and handling critical transition questions from viewers. As always, questions from stations were submitted and answered throughout the program.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television (DTV)
February 6, 2009 | Accompanying PowerPoint: Download Here
NAB presented its sixth live DTV webcast. Hosted by NAB Executive Vice President of Television Marcellus Alexander and Vice President of Digital Television Transition Jonathan Collegio, the webcast updated stations on the latest developments involving the transition, provided an update on the converter box coupon program, and discussed new initiatives like the Analog Nightlight program. NAB Executive Vice President and General Counsel Jane Mago and Associate General Counsel Ann Bobeck called in to review FCC regulations that may require attention by stations.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television (DTV)
November 6, 2008 | Accompanying PowerPoint: Download Here
NAB presented its fifth DTV webcast. Hosted by NAB Vice President of Digital Television Transition Jonathan Collegio and Director of Public Affairs and Marketing of Digital Television Transition Michael DiSerio, the webcast reported on the lessons learned from the Wilmington, N.C. test market, provided an update on the converter box coupon program, and reviewed the challenges associated with the transition. NAB Associate General Counsels Erin Dozier and Ann Bobeck also called in to discuss the FCC's 100-day countdown requirements.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television (DTV)
June 4, 2008 | Accompanying PowerPoint: Download Here
NAB presented its fourth live DTV transition webcast. The webcast was hosted by NAB Vice President of Digital Television Transition Jonathan Collegio and Director of Public Affairs & Marketing of Digital Television Transition Michael DiSerio. The webcast examined the September 8 analog shut-off test by stations in the Wilmington, N.C. market, the latest updates on the converter box coupon program, NAB's new spots about the low-power issue and recent examples of stations that have conducted their own analog shut-off tests, such as "Pull the Plug" by KVBC-TV in Las Vegas. KVBC's General Manager Lisa Howfield called in to share lessons learned from its May 2 test.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television (DTV)
April 8, 2008 | Accompanying PowerPoint: Download Here
NAB presented its third live DTV transition webcast. The webcast was hosted by NAB Executive Vice President of Television Marcellus Alexander, Vice President of Digital Television Transition Jonathan Collegio, and Director of Public Affairs & Marketing of Digital Television Transition Michael DiSerio. This webcast highlighted our expanding DTV outreach efforts, the latest on "low power" and translator issues, and an update on the converter box coupon program.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television (DTV)
January 31, 2008 | Accompanying PowerPoint: Download Here
NAB presented its second live webcast on the DTV transition. The webcast was hosted by NAB Executive Vice President of Television Marcellus Alexander and Vice President of Digital Television Transition Jonathan Collegio.
- New developments in the federal government's historic converter box coupon program.
- Station best practices including video examples.
- The latest campaign updates including new materials and fresh DTV Action Spots from NAB.
- Making the Switch to Digital Television
December 5, 2007 | Accompanying PowerPoint: 1 2 3 4 5
With over-the-air households as the core of our TV viewership, we cannot afford to leave a single household behind when stations go exclusively digital on February 17, 2009.